How We Do It

Purchasing Process Flow
Grading / Sorting
This can occur either on site or at your place with one of our experienced buyers. Our state-of-the-art application provides all the functionality necessary to grade and organize purchases into shopping carts.
Agreement of purchase price
A price for each product is calculated and summarized.
Immediate Payment
Payment can be provided almost immediately. We are also happy to provide a purchase list to you directly from our application.
Toll Refining Process Flow
Inbound Logistics

Most goods are received at Petra by truck, plane, or ocean cargo. Please contact Petra for any support with logistics.
Receiving Inspection / Weighing

Materials are received, inspected, and weighed. Weight is communicated to the customer as well as any discrepancies.
Processing / Sampling

A representative sample is obtained. Preliminary analysis is made on-site to provide estimated content to the customer. All customers are always welcome to witness the entire sampling process as well as receive a sample.
Hedging / Payment

Subject to mutual commercial agreement, Petra can provide some of the most flexible payment and hedging options on the market.
Final Assay

The sample is sent to our globally accredited laboratories, then we do the final test(ICP), We determine the final quantity of returnable metals